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Yuina was abandoned when she was born. She was found and taken in by a pack of wolves a week later. They took care of her and trained her until she was a year old and then released her. She then proceded to train herself as she got older. She grew stronger and stronger, and she became very defensive. She is now 2, almost 3. She now is part of Pack Wolfbane and she currently resides at Wolf Cove, she can usually be found there at all times.


Yuina stands at an astonishing hight of 4'3" feet. She weights 124 pounds, most of which is muscle. She is a very tough, strong, and proud wolf as you can tell by the way she walks. She is a Blood Dire Wolf that is black with brown, wind-like, markings covering her body. She is usually found at Wolf Cove, she isn't anywhere else often, for she has made it her home.

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